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Red Rose Classic Dozen - Same Day Delivery

Red Rose Classic Dozen

Product Code: RRVD-25

Our premium red roses are the perfect gift in this custom ceramic vase. Sending a dozen roses to your Valentine is a classic gift that speaks of Romance and Lasting Love. Our elegant vase will serve as a keepsake for years to come.

**This photo is designed with the roses front facing in order for you to see the quantity. The delivered bouquet will be made with more symmetry and have some of the flowers in the back of the design. 

LOCAL-ONLY: If you are attempting to ship this product outside of the Greater Rochester area, please select a product that isn't identified as "Local Only".


This product can be upgraded by our expert florist.

Earn up to 90 Smile Back Rewards points


Enhance this bouquet with babies breath.

Earn up to 115 Smile Back Rewards points

